
All businesses have the capacity to grow. It comes down to one thing, and this is the fact that all humans can thrive. Thus, through building human capacity, you can, in turn, build your business. This relates to all areas of your business.

All trustworthy leaders recognize that an organization needs to grow and that fresh ideas and new people can be critical to this. "Leaders are mandated with change". They realize that the only way to explore new markets and move forward is to make changes and build on them. You can’t provide higher quality to your customers or experiment with new products and services if your business stays on the same path. When it comes to capacity building, in particular, it is not merely the job of the leaders to make changes so that an organization can grow. It is the job of everyone. Leaders need to determine the individuals with growth potential in their business, and they need to engage and empower them, putting them in a position where they can contribute to building capacity.

Similar to any other business, Direct selling is a retail channel set up to market services and products to consumers through personal or direct means. The industry of direct selling is vast, including eLearning, ecommerce, jewelry, health, food, cosmetics, insurance, accessories, homewares, utilities, and more. This channel differs from broader mass-market retail avenues in a meaningful way. The goal is not only about bringing consumers directly in contact with products of premium quality and functionality but also to boost the entrepreneurial-minded populace who prefer to work independently and build a business with minimal or no overhead costs.

A large number of direct sales consultants work part-time, offering busy parents, caregivers, veterans, women, and budding entrepreneurs a chance to flexibly manage a career and personal life, thereby providing an ideal work-life balance tailored to each individual's preferences and needs. Direct selling has a long history, substantially contributing to the economy and support millions in the country. With an added advancement in technology, this is only projected to magnify, creating more careers that are work-life balanced and financially lucrative.

Social enterprises are usually small or medium-sized operations with scarce labor force at their disposal. As such, people in charge need to consider which potential business functions should be focused. Hence, it is paramount to ensure an organization’s viability and profitability. Since social enterprises take on many different forms, it is especially challenging to present a single marketing approach fitting all these types of organizations equally well.

So, where, why, and how does LinkeDDup come into the picture? Well, running a successful social enterprise comprises a bundle of decisions and precise marketing actions aimed at designing the exchange processes to ensure that products and services get to the customer. Our courses and trainings are designed to enable entrepreneurs identify potential opportunities and increase public awareness of a product or an organization to make it part of all consumers’ evoked sets.